Camarillo Real Estate


Camarillo Real Estate - Homes For Sale

Camarillo is a great place to live located between the Santa Susana Mountains and Oxnard in Ventury County California. With lots to offer its residents including its own college (California State University of Channel Islands) as well as its own outdoor outlet mall, it's no wonder why residents love it here so much!

The median home value in Camarillo is $473,000 and the median household income is $84,000. Less than 6% of people within the city live below the poverty level. As of 2007, 29.7% of women owned firms had their business conducted in the Camarillo area.

About Camarillo Population

As of 2012, the population is at 65,968 people. The population is 75.1% White non-Hispanic, 22.9 % Latino, 10.2% Asian, and the remaining residents are either Pacific Islander, Native Hawaiian, African American, or of two or more races. The population is pretty divided evenly with 50% female and 50% male.

Camarillo School

About 37 % of residents have received a Bachelor’s Degree in a specific field of interest and there are about 5,000 Veterans living within the Camarillo California area. The website gave Camarillo a 7 out of 10, with the top rated schools in the city being Santa Rosa Technology Magnet, Adolfo Camarillo High School, Camarillo Academy of Progressive Education, La Mariposa, and Las Colinas Middle School. There almost 100 different schools in Camarillo including preschools, elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools. About 45 of the 100 schools are private or charter schools.

Camarillo Real Estate - Camarillo, CA Homes For Sale

About Camarillo

Many people make a small commute to work from the city, but averaging about 25 minutes to their places of business. Most travelers in and out of the city on the US Highway 101/Ventura Freeway, which can take you either to the Santa Paul Freeway 126, Moorpark Freeway 23, or 170 Hollywood Freeway.

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